Current Budget Needs:

Thank you, one and all, for your faithfulness!
Thank you for considering us as a part of your giving during 2024. Heart to Hand Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All contributions are tax deductible and should be made out to Heart to Hand’.

Here is a list of current ministry needs above and beyond our day to day expenses:

Generators: In just the first three months of 2024 Heart to Hand has provided four backup generators for the families of children being discharged from the hospital on home respirators. Insurance covers the cost of the respirator, a pulse oximeter and a suction machine but the children cannot be discharged until a backup generator is available. This cost is not covered by insurance. This has become a very special part of our ministry as it allows these family to be reunited at home. The average cost of each generator has run from $600 to $800 based on the current market.

New Music Release Costs: Two new recorded projects have been completed. Both contain all original songs. 'Together' currently has fifteen brand new children's songs and 'a time to ponder . . . a time to speak' currently contains 13 new songs geared to a grown-up audience. It will cost approximately $3000 to release each project which covers product for distribution as well as setup for streaming and downloads.
Both will be given out free to those who Woody visits in the hospitals.


We are currently looking for individuals or organizations that would be willing to undertake sponsorship of Woody’s visits to individual hospitals.

The budget needs for visits to the following hospitals are as follows:

Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix AZ: $2500.00* provides a five day week of visits into Phoenix Children’s Hospital, covering travel, meals and materials(CD’s, books, etc.)

Banner Children’s Hospital, Tucson AZ: $2500.00* provides a five day week of visits into Diamond Children’s Hospital, covering travel, meals and materials(CD’s, books, etc.)

* Please note that, for the same cost, the week can be split between the two Arizona facilities.

St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN: $1000.00* provides a two day visit into St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, covering travel, meals and materials(CD’s, books, etc.).

Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, AR: $1000.00* provides a two day visit into Arkansas Children’s Hospital, covering travel, meals and materials(CD’s, books, etc.).

Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Fayetteville, AR: $1000.00* provides a two day visit into Arkansas Children’s Hospital, covering travel, meals and materials(CD’s, books, etc.).

* Please note that St. Jude’s and either Arkansas Children’s can be combined into a week long visit split between the two, or three facilities for $2000.

Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO: $1000.00* provides a two day visit into Children’s Hospital Colorado, covering travel, meals and materials(CD’s, books, etc.).

* Please note that St. Jude’s and Arkansas Children’s can be combined into a week long visit split between the two facilities for $2000.

Children’s Hospital of Palmetto Health Richland, Columbia /Carilion Children’s Hospital, Roanoke, VA: $1800.00* provides a four day week of visits into Children’s Hospital of Palmetto Health Richland in Columbia, SC and a one day visit to Carilion Children’s Hospital, in Roanoke, VA, covering travel, meals and materials(CD’s, books, etc.).

The budget needs for Ukraine visits:

Tkachuk Fostering Ministry, Mahyliv Podilski, Ukraine : $2500.00 provides a two week trip for Woody to minister to children in orphanages and hospitals throughout central Ukraine, while being based out of the Tkachuk home, who we partner with, allowing us to keep costs down.

If you are interested in sponsorship of any the places listed, or would like to know about other sponsorship needs, email us or call Woody at (215) 280-0106.

Heart to Hand Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
The official registration and financial information of Heart to Hand Ministries, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
All contributions are tax deductible and should be made out to ‘Heart to Hand’.

HOUSE CONCERTS: Woody is looking for opportunities to share about this journey through a series of house, coffeehouse or pub concerts. Invite a few of your friends over for an evening of song and stories. We are not asking for a fee; simply a free will offering. If you are interested email us or call Woody at (215) 280-0106.

FREQUENT FLYER MILES: The economy has severely cut the budget of many of the out-of-state hospitals Woody has visited over the years although they are still open to, and requesting, his visits. These hospitals would routinely cover Woody’s expenses but this is not happening with the budget cuts. In order to continue this outreach we are seeking donations of frequent flyer miles, or sponsor a complete trip above. Please contact us if your are able and interested in donating.