So they say . . .
11 August 2020 @ 16:54
I’ve been told that, as a Christian, I should vote for the party which values life and works to pass legislation supporting such values. I do not believe that we are called to pass such legislation and promote such an agenda. Moral legislation does not make us a righteous nation. Righteousness, a gift of God found in His mercy and grace, must come from within. That only comes through people willing to live it out not because it’s a law but because it is what’s in a heart where God dwells. We are called to live lives of compassion and strive to live in a moral and just manner. With that said we must also realize that none of us are capable of living such perfect lives and, just as God has done for us, we must show mercy and grace to one another in the midst of our shortcomings. That mercy and grace must extend to all. We are called to stand up for the disillusioned, the oppressed and the marginalized. In this, we will also realize that NO LIVES MATTER UNTIL ALL LIVES MATTER!