February 2022
Standing With Ukraine
22 February 2022 @ 17:03
In January 2005 I stood with my Ukrainian friends on Independence Square in Kyiv during the Orange Revolution. In 2015 I visited a school in a Ukrainian village where the children helped make camouflage nets for the conflict on the eastern border and I heard the children sing of their love for their country. I stand with them today in prayer and I ask you to join me. My friends Ruslan and Archie Tkachuk have opened their hearts, their home and their resources to assisting those who have fled from the east. May God be with them!
‘Personal’ Savior
20 February 2022 @ 10:21
American Christianity is so possessive.
The Great Commission in Matthew encourages us to embrace all that Jesus taught yet it has become the norm to jump right to asking people if they know Jesus as their ‘personal’ Savior without first feeding, clothing and loving them as Jesus does. Without love we become as clanging cymbals and the subsequent ringing left in the ears of many blocks them from ‘hearing’ the Gospel because they haven’t first seen or experienced it. I find myself wondering if we, as Christians, are as quick to provide a meal for someone who is hungry as we are to tell them that they need Jesus. Will we be known for our words or our actions?
The Great Commission in Matthew encourages us to embrace all that Jesus taught yet it has become the norm to jump right to asking people if they know Jesus as their ‘personal’ Savior without first feeding, clothing and loving them as Jesus does. Without love we become as clanging cymbals and the subsequent ringing left in the ears of many blocks them from ‘hearing’ the Gospel because they haven’t first seen or experienced it. I find myself wondering if we, as Christians, are as quick to provide a meal for someone who is hungry as we are to tell them that they need Jesus. Will we be known for our words or our actions?