The Gift to gifts

Seems we have moved from the Gift to gifts; from Spirit to spirits
From the heart of St.Nicholas giving unto the least of these; to those who have wanting more.

Our celebration of Christmas has become a symbolic one. We say that we give gifts to symbolize the Gift that God gave us that first Christmas. Symbolism, to me, is something that represents something that was. I have chosen to follow a Christ who IS. God did not give us a gift. He gave us Himself, come to earth naked, approachable and vulnerable as a tiny baby. To celebrate His birth would it not be better to give ourselves rather than our tokens? There is really nothing I need but there is so much the outcasts, refugees and impoverished of this world need and isn’t our call to follow Him into the midst of the suffering and become a light?! Our token for this Christmas seems to be the freedom to say Merry Christmas. I would say that, instead, let us be encouraged to BE a Merry Christmas to someone who won’t have one otherwise.

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