Thanks Mom!
01 August 2019 @ 16:33
Twenty six years ago today I lost my mom. She was 66 years old. After her celebration of life, my wife and my sister thought it best that I travel to Arizona for Camp Rainbow, a Children’s oncology camp, where I would be leading music. The comment was made that my mom would be very upset if she was the reason for me missing camp. I was reluctant but I went, arriving after camp had started and in that place I found healing.
Today I awake in that same camp. Now I am 66 which definitely makes me pause to ponder the journey. As I have gathered throughout this week to sing with these incredible children and counselors I’m constantly reminded of the healing that I have experienced in this place and I can’t help but pause and think of the woman who raised me to be who I am. I thank God every day for the wealth I have been given in this life in family and friends.
As I sat by a campfire last evening doing music with the youngest half of this camp and their counselors, we paused to look at incredible canopy of stars above us and, as we did, I thought of a similar night 26 years ago and I can only say that I continue to find healing in this place and I am feeling incredibly humbled and blessed. Thank you Mom for guiding me down the path that led to where I find myself today.
Today I awake in that same camp. Now I am 66 which definitely makes me pause to ponder the journey. As I have gathered throughout this week to sing with these incredible children and counselors I’m constantly reminded of the healing that I have experienced in this place and I can’t help but pause and think of the woman who raised me to be who I am. I thank God every day for the wealth I have been given in this life in family and friends.
As I sat by a campfire last evening doing music with the youngest half of this camp and their counselors, we paused to look at incredible canopy of stars above us and, as we did, I thought of a similar night 26 years ago and I can only say that I continue to find healing in this place and I am feeling incredibly humbled and blessed. Thank you Mom for guiding me down the path that led to where I find myself today.