Note From Ukraine

What an incredible day here in Ukraine! After dropping the children from the Tkachuk home off at their school, we traveled to another school where our team met with an English class. We spoke, sang and then the kids asked us questions. What a blessing that the children were so encouraged by our visit at a time when all in Ukraine have such heavy hearts due to the war in the east.

Afterward we spent time with an incredible gentleman who lived in the Jewish ghetto here in this village during World War II. We visited the local synagogue, their meal outreach and a memorial and Museum. Very moving.

We enjoyed lunch at our home and then traveled to a distant village where we ministered to a single mother with nine children; one of them her own and eight who were orphans that she has taken in to care for. She is a refugee from the war in the east and has settled in a home without a well. She carries water in buckets from a distant well to supply all her family's needs. $1500 is needed to provide a well so fundraising has officially begun.

We left there and traveled to a Ruslan's childhood home, where his mom treated us to an incredible homegrown, home cooked meal. It was wonderful to also see his grandmother again and to have the opportunity to pray for her as she deals with health problems.

Then it was back to our home where Michael and Karen had to pack and depart for Kiev for an early morning flight. We will surely miss our two team members during the remainder of our visit. We sent them off after tea and cakes and hugs from all of the children.

I am sorry that I have not posted more during our time here in Ukraine but I want you to know that each moment has been filled with blessings. Time to turn in now for the night to rest for tomorrow's journey. Please keep Ukraine in your prayers. It is so difficult for the people here as economy continues to fall. Pray for Peace!

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