Ukraine Update 3

Update from Ukraine. Our day on Tuesday ended with a visit to an English class for adults who were so encouraged by the fact that we would travel to Ukraine at a time when the economy is so bad and there is fighting in the east. Great time of sharing.

We returned home for dinner with the Tkachuk family and then Betsy kept the kids occupied for the rest of the evening with wire crafts. Hard to imagine how the people of Ukraine survive as the exchange rate has changed twice since we've been here, today hitting 31 Ukrainian gryvna for one of our dollars.

Yesterday our schedule changed quite a bit because my back went out pretty severely. I didn't get much sleep the night before because of it so Ruslan took me to a Chiropractor in Mohyliv Podilsky who was great. He didn't want any payment because he felt that was his ministry to me. We blessed him anyway. He told me to come back on Friday for another treatment so I will be comfortable for the flight home on Sunday. We had the opportunity to have lunch with a local neurologist who wanted to know about what I do in hospitals and then we attended a concert that a few of our kids participated in. In the evening we picked up pizza and soda and provided dinner for a family of twelve. After we ate we shared song, magic and string games.

We are really missing our two teams members who had to return early but, all in all, this has been an incredible journey. Please continue to pray for our team and for the people of Ukraine and that the fighting in the east might come to an end.

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