What Is Right . . .
29 October 2018 @ 10:05
I have a poster in my studio that says, 'What is popular is not always right; what is right is not always popular.' In my own life I cannot deny the importance of my faith. I am a follower of Christ, a Christian, and it seems that there is a lot of negativity that goes with that in the world today and I believe it is because so many of us, who profess to be Christians, choose to live life in a manner that speaks otherwise. For those of us who would call ourselves Christians, we must always strive to align our actions with what we profess to believe. We will not always get it right, but we must do it to the best of our ability. Christianity is not self-serving. It is about sacrificial love to others - even our enemies. I look at the direction that our country seems to have chosen in recent years and I see less and less that aligns itself with the values of Christianity. We have gone from ‘one nation under God’ to one nation OVER God. We have chosen to pursue personal desires over that which we are called to in faith; we seem to have chosen to love ourselves more than we have chosen to love others. We believe that we are called to legislate morality instead of accepting responsibility for the living of our individual lives in a way that will reflect God’s goodness. We have gone from being a God-fearing nation to a being a nation fearful of everything. I choose otherwise. ‘I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.’ (2 Timothy 1:12 NIV) I also choose to be the difference that I hope to see in the world. To remain silent about injustices around us is to condone them. Will we remain silent or will we take a stand for what is right and for what is just? Hatred abounds and too many have died and we make it political! I say ENOUGH! This is about our humanity, or lack thereof. It is for each of us to decide.